March 14, 2023

The All-On-4 Implant Procedure: Process and Recovery Time

The All-on-4 is a go-to procedure when a patient has missing teeth, bone atrophy, periodontal disease, or related issues. It is one of the most innovative teeth replacement options available and one of the most effective ones.

The All-on-4 works as a kind of implant-supported denture that uses only four implants to replace an entire arch of lost teeth. Continue reading to learn more about the process and recovery time.

The All-On-4 Dental Implant Process

1. Consultation and Examination

When is All-on-4 the best option?

For starters, the patient will have a consultation and examination where the dentist will do a full mouth examination, including dental x-rays, scans to look at the jawbone and other structures, and the patient’s medical history discussion. This will help the dentist know about any health problem, current medication, and if the patient is a good candidate for the procedure. Once this is done, the patient will schedule the placement procedure.

2. Implant Placement

When is All-on-4 the best option?

After surgery prep, the patient will be sedated to start the procedure. The dentist will extract any of the remaining teeth and will make small incisions in the patient’s gums in order to shape the four upper and four lower arch sockets, where the implants will be placed. Implant screws will be then placed in the patient’s jawbone, with a connector attached. Lastly, the gums are sutured and temporary dentures will be placed while the implant sites heal.

3. Final Steps

When is All-on-4 the best option?

Once the implants are in place, they will need time to heal properly. In general, post-surgery recovery takes 72 hours of rest, but every patient has a different time to heal. The use of ice packs is recommended to reduce any swelling. In some cases, the dentist may also prescribe medications for pain and to prevent infections.
All that’s left is the process of ‘’ osseointegration’’. This lets new bone growth integrate around the implants and complete the healing process.

The All-On-4 Dental Implant Process

The All-on-4 procedure is minimally invasive and uses oral sedation, therefore the recovery period is quite simple.
Once the procedure is finished, the sedation should wear off in approximately 4 to 5 hours. The patient will be recommended a soft-food diet for the first few months. Take a look at some more Aftercare Tips For All-On-4 Implants here.

To sum up, the All-on-4 implant process takes about four and six months to be completed. The osseointegration may take 3-5 months. However, this may vary from patient to patient as it may take longer for those who are in need of additional dental work, which can add another month or two to the overall process.

Patients will be scheduled for a follow-up appointment two weeks after the surgery to ensure that the gums are healing properly and the implants are aligning with the mouth. Then, the appointments will be every two months for the next six months.

Dental implants are the most popular and recommended procedure because it does not only improve your smile’s appearance but also your oral health, which leads to better overall well-being. Read more about the All-On-4 Dental Implants Benefits here.

Mexico Dental Implants offers affordable dental implants and All-On-4 in Mexico with US’ highest standards, financing, and guarantee. Improve your life and your smile today!